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About 30 girls, some regular Eco Club attendees and some co-opted at the last moment, were active helpers in the Leap Day for Frogs activities. We posted some of our activities to the Facebook group: 

"Leap Day for Frogs" .     


Overall, the WGHS Eco Club raised R970 for the Threatened Amphibians Programme of the Endangered Wildlife Trust. One of the most powerful benefits of the Frog-themed week was to raise awareness of the usefulness and beauty of frogs, and of the critical conservation problems they face.


      Civvies Day           Chocolate Frogs      Outing      Frog Presentation


  • Civvies Day  -  Wear a green shirt for Frogs!   R5.00

Eco club girls had to organize class registers and visit each class in the school to sign girls up to wear a green T-Shirt on Friday 28th February. The Eco Club members were also responsible for collecting money and recording payments.



  • Chocolate Frogs

Making the chocolate frogs was enormous fun. We were lucky enough to find some frog molds, and coloured our chocolates green, orange and brown. For the entire week Eco Club members sold frogs at first and second break to raise money.


  • Outing - 28 February 2014

We invited learners to come and join us at the Kloof SPCA and Leap Frog for Froggies.


  • Frog Presentation

On the 15 April 2014, Dr Jeanne Tarrant, of the EWT's Threatened Amphibian Programme,came to   talk to the Eco Club learners about the Fascinating World of Frogs.   She presented a fascinating talk about frogs, including stressing how vital they are to maintaining healthy ecosystems as well as the potential scientific and medical benefits they bring.

Saving the Frogs






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​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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