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I want to be an Enviro Leader who...


We start off the yer by discussing what kind of Enviro Leader we want to be and what legacy we will leave behind us when we go.  We discuss what portfolios we would like to get involved in and about dedication and commitment to the environment of WGHS and to make the rest of the student body more aware of environmental issues and solutions.

We read the peom adapted by Mrs Reid from an original poem by Melissa Agudelo.


See the poem in this attachement.





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Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



Wise up and make a difference NOW!​

​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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