
Westville Girls'
High School ​​
We're a large school in the suburb of Westville, Durban, South Africa. We have about 1200 female students. Our Eco-Club is still very small and the numbers fluctuate according to the girls academic, cultural or sporting programmes.
we know the power of one and what a difference even just one passionate person can make!
We are an urban school that is well resourced and although our grounds are not yet all indigenous, they are well maintained and allow for sport, recreation and outdoor activites with safety and ease.
We are working towards creating a conservancy within our school by removing Invasive Alien species and planting only indigenous plants. We hope to attract all manner of fauna, birds, insects, reptiles, by making our school grounds a safe and biodiverse place for them
24 Westville Road
PO Box 286, Westville 3600
GPS coordinates...-29.8371446
Nearest Town: Durban
Province: Kwa-Zulu Natal
Telephone no.: 031-2661258
Fax: 031-2660930
Eco School Facilitator: Mrs Irene Reid
Cell: 083 410 1936
email: reid@wghs.co.za
no of teachers - male: 4
- female: +-70
Grades: 8-12
Language of instruction: English
Home language of majority of students: English
Home language of majority of teachers: English
NGO supporter & sponsor : Westville Rotary
[2014 for the first time]
As a small group in WGHS, we are trying to maintain our ECO School status and make sure that we keep our green flag, and that we are pro-active and innovative.
In 2010 we submitted work on all 5 themes to advocate why we should be a part of the WESSA Eco Schools programme. We were awarded a flag in our first year!
In 2011 we concentrated on working in and around the school on three themes - Nature & Bio-Diversity, Resource use and
Local & Global issues. We reached outwards & also got involved in Jubilee Park with Westville Rotary.
In 2012 we came 3rd in the SA Plastics Recycling Compeitition and won our school a recycling bin and R1000.00! Thanks to Mishka and her great recycling plan.We continued working thorugh our first three themes and added in a fourth theme Community & Heritage
2013 saw us really take great strides with Grade 8 recycling, veggie gardening, save our Umdoni Tree, making a birding list, tree list and many other exciting projects. We continued to sustain our existing projects in four themes and added in healthy Living as our fifth theme.
2014 has seen us struggle a little because of the "busy-ness" of the students and their commitment to academics and studying but we have soldiered on. You will see this inconsistency evident in our attendance register and minutes.
Our Grade 8 recycling campaign was extended to Grade 9 this year and has been a great success.
We had our first ever induction for Eco Club where our President was badged. Westville Rotary, Cilla Emmonds and Marion Spence were guest speakers.
We were also invited to apply for project specific funding from Rotary and were awarded R24 000 for our various projects.
We were very excited and honoured to receive this funding.
We have gardened, whacked aliens, held various assemblies and launched new special day celebrations and genrally created a larger than life presence within our school. We have also been active inthe community and globally - launching our own petition against Rhino Poaching.
We are awarding two certificates for dedication and commitment - they will go to Prina Dayal & Buyile Mdalangathi.
Mishka Karodia has been nominated for her full colours as she won best speaker in a SAIIA Provincial Competition and she will receive the Spence-Hinck Conservation Trophy again this year.
​Eco Awards @ WGHS
In 2013 we got the High Five Award from Wessa for our Whole School Evaluation Survey.
We also gave our first Junior Award to Mishka Karodia - The Spence-Hinck Trophy for Conservation.
We also had our very first Induction Ceremony where the President of Eco Club was appointed.
Well Done Mishka.
In 2012 we awarded 4 girls with their Green Passports in recognition of great service to the Environment.
They were: Mishka Karodia, Emily Skelding, Layla Suffla and Ayanda Khumalo. Well done girls
We also awarded a Senior Student, Sphokazi Putini, with the Heber Percy Award for Conservation Effort.
this was the first time a Senior Environmental award was given.
Ongoing Eco Projects @ WGHS
Wetlands Area - Vegetable and Herb gardens - Tree-Labelling - Invasive Alien Species Removal - Jubilee Park - Paradise Valley Nature Reserve
Bird List - Tree List and Tree Walk Mapping - Celebrating the Return of the Bats - Tuckshop survey - Active/Sedentary Lifestyle Questionnaire
Shopping Habits Survey - Reforestation Project - Water Harvesting Project - Website Project - Save the Rhino - Love Boxes - and much much more...