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Calendar Dates that we Celebrated in 2014

Save the Frogs - Leap for Frogs Day

Mrs Roos 28 February 2014


Here is the questionnaire the girls completed  on the Save the Frog website and also took around to some of the students with quite scarey results.

Most Asian and Black students were afraid of frogs and said they would kill them if the came across them.  We invited them to the talk we were going to have after school about frogs and why they are endangered - we invited Jean Tarrant to come and talk to us.



World Rhino Day

Melissa  September 22 - postponed till after the final exams in Term 4


One of the LIbrary Monitors came to see me and asked if she could organise a Rhino Day assembly and I told her to go ahead and organise it after speaking with management.

World Wetlands Day

2 February 2014


We made a display on the wetlands in the library and what is is and how it workds to filter and improve the quality of the water in our environmentm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.



9 August 2014


We held a special celebration of Women and honoured the life of Maya Angelou. We held this in the Library and had poetry reading, videos and some short choral verses performances. It was held in conjunction withthe English Department and the Drama department.

We had a display up inthe library.

International Women's Day

8 June 2014


IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR RECYCLING PROJECT,  we decided to do a display in the library on SAVE OUR OCEANS and we found an excellent website, (save our seas) that had videos and a great deal of information on what is going worng with our oceans. We had the website up on a computer next to our display to inform everyone who came to look at the display.

Save our Seas.

Earth Day

22 April 2014



We held special assemblies to celebrate Earth Day and create an awareness of the plight of the earth and hopefully get the young laides of WGHS to change their selfish ways.

Mishka Karodia made a video that she spoke to ahd that everyone listened to.



Don't litter - it costs lives

Don't litter - it costs lives

What will you leave behind?

What will you leave behind?

The SEA is our LIFE

The SEA is our LIFE

Youth Day

16 June 2014



We made this powerpoint presentation for a Youth Day Assembly but our assembly was postponed.


We showed it in the Library on Youth Day.


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Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



Wise up and make a difference NOW!

© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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