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Great Eco Reads

These are some tried and read Eco books both fiction and Non fiction and you cam be assured they will challenge you to think differently, act differently and become day by day more 'green' in every way!



Have a look at 5 of the top environmental reads of all times




GOODREADS best Environmental Reads



Click on the titles and read a short synopsis and then take the book out from the WGHS Library


1.  Jane's Delicious Garden


2. The Giving Tree


3.  Eyes Wide Open   


4.  The Elephant Whisperer


5.  Wild


6.  Into the Wild


7.  This Changes Everything


8.  Skink No Surrender


9.  An Inconvenient Truth


10.  In Search of Remarkable Trees


11.   Life and Love of Trees


12  Food Inc.


13.  Second Nature


14.  Bottled & Sold


15.  Water


16.  Plastic


17.  the Story of Stuff





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