
Term 1
During our first eco club meeting after holidays we discussed and planned all the activities for the term.
Leap Froggie Day
Making a new board – On the wetlands
Working on our garden ( patch)
Working on the wetlands.
Term 1
2 February 2014
Eco club spilt up and were involved in the following activities.
Jubilee park water testing.
Working on the board.
Worked on the veggie patch.
11, 13, 18, 21, February 2014
Planned Leap frog day.
Learners were involved in making chocolate frogs which to be sold on Leap frog day.
Learners were also putting up the board – Wild in the wetlands.
Learners were also involved in clearing the veggie patch.
26 February 2014
We discussed projects that we could do as an Eco – club. Business plans of these projects were constructed and submitted to Rotary Club.
We discussed what will be planted in our veggie patch
Term 2
11 ,9 18 March 2014
Worked on business plans and veggie patch.
Term 2
15 April 2014
Eco – Club attended an inspiring and informative talk in our school library by Jeane Tarrant.
22, 23 April 2014
Eco - club worked on the Electricity and Water Graph Usage.
Learners also worked on the new Eco – Club Board – Plastic and Recycling.
Worked on Rhino debate.
Term 2
20 , 21, 28 May 2014
Weeding the veggie patch.
Finished the board.
Learners did not attend Eco - Club for the rest of the term due to Exams.
Term 3
12 August 2014
Sold our veggies to the tuckdhop.
Discussed what we were doing in Term 3.
Arbor week – make a new board for Arbor week.
Selling of tree bags and Tree pop key rings.
13, 20, 27 August 2014
Worked on new board for Arbor Week.
Term 3
2,3 September 2014
Worked on New board.
9 September 2014
Girls wrote Tree Poems for Arbour week.
10, 16 September 2014
Planning of Eco – Club heathy living cook off. Learners watched videos on heathy , easy recipes.