
Healthy Living
Healthy Living plays a major role in our lives. Especially in today's society where eating "green" has become a global interest. With our Earth becoming more sick day after day and year and year, it'e in our own interest to take care of our bodies as food is becoming a danger to eat with more added preservatives, pesticides, GMOs and hormone injected cattle.
This is why Healthy Living has become a theme of our Eco Club as we try & tackle the daily food consumption of teenage girls by creating an awareness throughought the school.
Our garden provides a variety of fresh vegetables. When the time is right for harvest, we sell the vegetables to staff members, students and our tuckshop, The Bright Bean Cafe', whom use them in their salads, sandwitches etc.
The CAPS Curriculum teaches all students from grade 8 - matric about healthy living in various sections: the food pyramid, participating in sports, exercise, nutrition, healthy living etc.
Blood donations are a yearly event whereby our school is used as a community spot for anyone to come in and donate. Posters are stuck up all around the school.
Sports plays a major role in our school. There are so many different sports that no matter who you are, there is definitely a sport that will suit your interests: swimming, water polo, athletics, netball, hockey, volleyball, badminton, squash, rock climbing, surfing, equestrian and tennis.