
Westville Rotary - Partners and Funders
of the WGHS Environment
We were approached by Westville Rotary to submit project that they would look at and see how they could support us financially to make these projects a reality.
Here are the projects that we submitted.
Hi John,
It is with excitement that we submit our Eco Club project proposals.
We have submitted 6 project proposals.
We have kept to our themes that we work within for the Eco Schools Portfolio.
Resource Use, Healthy Living, Nature & Biodiversity, Community Outreach.
We thank you for the opportunity to apply for funding through Rotary, for our projects.
We know that with funding our impact on the environment will be more visible and impactful
throughout our school & the community and that we can involved more learners, parents and staff
in what we are doing on a daily basis.
We are very happy that if the projects are too financially large that you choose a part of the project as they have several components that could be separated out into smaller projects.
The students who head up the Eco Themes we work through annually, were in charge of putting together the submissions.
1. Recycling Depot - Mishka Karodia Grade 11
2. Veggie Gardening and Rain Water Harvesting Prina Dayal Grade 10
3. Wetlands planting and filtration submission - Elham Shaik Grade 9
4. ADVOCACY Project - Irene Reid
5. Indigenous Reforestation on Southern Boundary - Sai Angappan
6. Community Outreach - Subz Panties and Pads Project - all the club
Irene Reid
Head Librarian
Westville Girls' High School
P.O. Box 286
Tel: 031-2661258 Fax: 031-2660930
Cell: 0834101936
Twitter: @WGHS Library
Facebook: WGHSMedia Centre
Eco-School Facilitator
We then attended a special evening function where Rotary awarded us a sum of money towards our projects.
1. The Subz panties andpads project was not accepted by them but we will do it as a school in 2015
2. Reforestation Project has been proposed and we await GB approval but we have already begun to identify the aliens and mark them for removal.
3. Advocacy - this project is also up for approval and we will then be getting our button badges and t shirts and hoe to have an Eco Code Board located somewhere centrally within the school.
4. The Recycling Depot has been approved but we are awaiting a location that we can all agree upon and this will be up and getting going in 2015.
5. Garden project that involves setting up rain water harvesting to water the garden and providing the girls with permaculture gardening training.
6. Wetlands Project that involves a redesign of the wetland to provide better filtration for the wetlands pond as it is problematic and uses too much water.
Here we could also have rainwater harvesting.
The funds allocation proposal was revised as follows:
I. Subz Panties and Pads: While it was felt that this would be a good project to support conditional on it being for an underprivileged school in Chesterville the cost of making a meaningful contribution is rather high at R180/pack. R5000 was originally set aside for this project. Following a telecom with Sue Barnes the manufacturer where she confirmed she has already reduced the price from R190 to R180 per pack and that the packs have a life of 5 years, it was agreed that to have an impact on a class of say 100 Grade 8 learners the cost would be R18 000 so should be dropped from the awards. A further concern would be creating an expectation that this would be an annual event.
II. Recycling Depot: R2800 to assist with the implementation of a Jo-Jo tank and guttering for rainwater collection. It was further agreed that the Environmental Trust should look at “partnering” with the school in establishing revenue streams.
III. Veggie Garden: R7800 to provide a rainwater harvesting system (R3500) and gardening course for nine students, equipment (R2200) and gardener (R2100).
IV. Advocacy: R2500 to provide a policy board (R1000) and upgrade to the website (R1500).
V. Wetlands: R1000 to purchase bulrushes.
VI. Reforestation: Fully support this project with R10800 to assist with the removal of alien trees on the southern boundary of the school. However the school should approach the Dept of Education for assistance in removal of the trees.
VII. Confirmation: It was agreed that a meeting with the teacher in charge (Irene Reid) should be arranged to discuss (off the record) the above as all projects are ongoing.
VIII. Presentation: Date of presentation to be established in August.
We attended a presentation Evening where we presented our projects and were awarded the funding as allocated above.
![]() Snack and drink before the presentat |
![]() Meeting the Rotary Committee |
![]() Enjoying a relaxing moment |
![]() ready, steady, present |
![]() Ms Raw the Principal |
![]() Eco Club members present |
![]() Mrs Reid begins the presentation |
![]() Ms Raw addressing the audience |
![]() Show us the money! thank you Rotary |
![]() Excitement! |
![]() Happy Eco Club! |