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Earth-friendly Eco School Club!

We are a group of like-minded ladies who care deeply about the EARTH that we have been given to live with.  

We respect the EARTH and all who reside in or on it.

We are involved is developing sustainable lifestyle practices - firstly in our own lives, then in our school, where we spend most of our time, and lastly in our community.


We are an established ECO-SCHOOL, since 2010 and have been awarded our Green Flag for 4 years.


We began our garden with much excitement and energy this year as our 3 Eco School teachers had been to a permaculture workshop for their own gardening skills and knowledge and they shared with us on the methods and reasons why permaculture is so great.

So we managed to redesign our garden on the permaculture principles and our veggie growth was so prolific that we were able to supply the tuckshop with lettuce, spinach & rocket for two terms.




We have a sudden awakening to the huge environmental pressures that are upon us, the young people in this world. If we do not take a stand, will there be an EARTH in our future and in our children's future, and their children's future? The world's causes are our very own. We are bound together to make a difference in our own personal spaces, our local-together spaces e.g. school and out there globally.  Go Eco Angels!​



This year we managed to be awarded our Gold Flag and we also received a High 5 Award from WESSA at the prize-giving event.  

It was for our whole school review that we managed to complete using the Vice RCL leaders of each class.  We were very happy.  We are looking forward to achieving our International Flag and having it flying in the front of our school in 2015.


In 2012 we had a Save the Rhino Flashmob at Ushaka Durban. We raised over R1000.00 for the Save the Rhino Campaign run with the Lawerence Anthony Earth organisation.  

See see our video on the home page link!


In 2013 we had a Save the Rhino stand at the mangroves open day and we raffled x2 wire rhino heads which created a great awareness for the plight of the rhino. We managed to collect R600 rands for the Rhino Fund. 


We entered the Science & Enviro Quiz for the first year this year and took two teams along to parcticipate. Some of them were even seniors. We held a gneral knowledge and enviro quiz on Activities day and the winners were invited to represent us at the East Coast Lions Futurewise Olympiad.  Although we were unplaced we did get awarded the Commander Yegan Moodley memorial Trophy - Fairplay award.


The time is NOW!​

It is never too late to begin to make a difference in some small way or another.

Change your habits, your lifestyle, talk to a friend about what you are doing and start a GREEN REVOLUTION!


In 2013 we started our own garden to bring awareness to organic vegetable and the need to become sustainable. We also grew herbs for the tuckshop and the teachers. We sold our veggies and herbs to raise funds for the Eco Club projects.




​Telephone : ​031-2661258

Fax:           031-2660930
Email :

Get Social with us!


We're connected so find us on all the social feeds under WGHS Eco Angels.  Our Twitter hastag is  # ​

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Share your thoughts!


Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



Wise up and make a difference NOW!​

​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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