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Eco Club Induction Ceremony


Our 1st ever President of Eco Club


Here is Mishka Karodia's acceptance speech as our 2014 President


We held a combined Interact/Eco Club ceremony in the WGHS Library and had guest speakers from Westville Rotary, WESSA Eco Schools, Mrs Cilla Edmonds from The Birches PrePrimary, and Marion Spence from Rotary Durban and Jubilee Park Patron.

It was a tremendous sucess and is an event we will continue to have at the start of each year. 


My Acceptance Speech as President of WGHS Eco Club 2014


I would like to thank our entire Eco Club  -  educators and committee members who through their hard work have made eco club what it is today:

A club that is still growing and is making strides in showing our school what we have can do and how we can grow as a school in becoming a “green” school.  I would especially like to thank Mrs Singh and Mrs Reid.

Mrs Singh encouraged me to hold Eco Club assemblies, despite my fear for public talking.  I accomplished the task so well that I think that I have almost overcome that very fear and without her those informative assemblies would not have taken place.

To Mrs Reid, this club would not be here if it were not for you and your enthusiasm, which I looked up to, in the very beginning of my high school life. This has made me the person that I am today.


Receiving this badge, as President of Eco club, is an amazing honour. I pledge I will perform my duty to my utmost best.


Together we will :-

  • make Westville Girls’ High School a greener school.

  • create and extend amongst the students an awareness that our earth is deteriorating, and our lives as we know them have become unsustainable.

  • Teach and show them how each one of them can make a difference. E.g. lead by example as an individual and as an WGHS eco club


Mother Theresa said

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”.


This is something that has motivated me and I have lived by these words since becoming passionate about green issues.

I love what I do in Eco club. I am especially passionate about recycling and the ability to live in a sustainable and low impact way on our planet, Earth.   I am hoping that what I love doing most at Westville Girls’ High School, will eventually create a career path for me and take me places that I can only dream about. I did not even know that I loved caring for our planet 3 years ago but everything changed when I joined eco club.


My last few thanks go to a few special senior students that were in eco club when I joined. Their example encouraged, influenced and enthused me to the place where I am today.


Lastly, thanks to my family who have supported helped and encouraged me in every way.  We have even become a green family in many ways.









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