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SAIIA Environmental Sustainability Project

Mishka Karodia, Azra Paruk & Tasnim Mohamedy , grade 11 students, had taken part in the South African Institute of International Affairs Sustainability project earlier this year(2014). Three themes were chosen: Biodiversity, Soil & land degradation, Human Settlements.

These themes were integrated and summarised into an essay consisting of seven pages. One local & global example ,that fitted well with the chosen themes ,had to be fully discussed in the essay as these examples were the essay's foundation. These young ladies made us proud when they were awarded as provincial finalists.

The finals, held at Botanical Gardens, indeed went well. A prepared speech by each of our representatives was presented as well as a visual aid supporting the themes and case examples written in the essay. Below is a link to the video shown in the presentation. This video has won the 2013 Animago award for soil week and is deifinately a well summarised animation of the main idea focused on in our students' speech/essay.



Let's talk about soil- Animago award 2013

The 3 participants were each awarded with certifictaes and Mishka Karodia was awarded Best Speaker. She will be participating in the young leaders conference in the end of November at Pretoria. Click the button below to view pictures.




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Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

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