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The Great Eco Club Chef Cook Off


Team BP  Wrap – fresh vegetables in wrap



Handed in their Recipe and slips  Cost R83.59


No cheese or dairy.

No team work – each bought ingredients separately – 1 went in a car and 1 walked.

Flour is normal cake flour from pick n Pay.



Use of newspaper under utensils to save mess on the surface.

Washed under running water.

Didn’t use much plastic, because they bought veggies from Morrisson Street market in a paper bag.

Removing skin off the carrots because that is what their mum said they should do 

Bought quantities for their use only, except for cabbage flour, cucumber, avocado.

Used paper carrier to transport their produce to school and also a cooler bag.

Using paper serviettes as cleaning material.

Cutting skin off the mushrooms. Don’t know why?

Spices were salt & herbs mixed from home.

Aren’t efficient in terms of working together or use of timing.

Has left over fresh prepared veg. due to bad estimation of amounts needed for two wraps.

Made own wrap.


Energy Use

Boiled kettle for hot water.  Switched off stove when wrap was cooked – but they were not ready with the 2nd wrap.

Low energy use as veggies are raw.

Only cooked wrap and mushrooms.



Not cleaning up as they go along. Use paper towels & items were lying around



Dirty paper towel lying around. Sleeves going in the prep.

Used sunlight liquid. For all washing up which was done in a sink without a plug.

Very long to  clean up.



Team Green     -   Fresh Vegetable Pasta


Did not hand in their 


No team work – each bought separately but only 1 went in a car and one walked.

No meat or dairy but 2 eggs to make the pasta.  

Too little discussion of the recipe.


No recipe and no slips handed in

Total costs =  R96.00



Washed veggies under running water initially but then changed to washing in a container.

Stone Ground Flour, bought the ingredients from spar with a lot of plastic packaging and bought Quantities that are large so there will be a lot of left over -    flour, mushrooms, beans, .

Didn’t peel their carrots – keeps the taste and the nutrients in the veggie.

Using a cloth wipe to clean up.

Not sure of the method of cooking what goes first etc.

Made own pasta with pasta machine.

Spices were bought “robertsons portuguese spice” with with lots of “e’s”


Energy Use

Boiled water on the stove for peeling tomatoes and then use same water for pasta.  Turned off

Use three stove plates.

Washing dishes with running water.



Really neat. Used items dispensed of  immediately and surface cleaned regularly.



Washed hands often.  Water used to clean veggies was poured into the garden.

Were fast and efficient to clean up as they did cleaning up as they went along.




Reflections on the CHEF Cook Off and what the particpants learned



By: Buyile Mdlanagthi 9HH

Subject: Eco Club Cook off


On behalf of Eco Club to add to our healthy Living portfolio I participated in the cook off partnering with Prina and we tackled on the task of making a vegetable wrap.


To briefly explain it we were given an amount of money and had to use it to buy all the ingredients needed for meals. The aim was to be as environmentally friendly as possible from the task of buying the ingredients through the process of making our meals and lastly to how we cleared up our stations. The assignment was one where the Eco Club teachers didn’t give advice and we had to ourselves try to be as environmentally friendly as possible by analysing what our meals were, why we chose that particular meal or those particular ingredients and how do you plan on your team being the ultimate ‘Eco Team’.


There were a few challenges and certain aspects that you actually had to think about in the sense that once you do a certain action or follow through a particular plan you have to essentially know what  are your reasons behind those actions and why you chose to go and follow that plan out of so many.  We also had to keep in mind that our ingredients had to be low in carbon meaning that they had to local and they should not have travelled a long journey to get to your supermarkets etc.


My team decided that we would walk to where we get our ingredients so that we wouldn’t have to pollute the air with the fumes your car generates. That when we came on the day we would bring only as much as we needed for our wraps and nothing more.

On the day I learnt quite a few things mainly about how to be environmentally friendly when cooking and how to not create an excess amount of anything.


I enjoyed this cook of because it opened up a new way to bring in an element of a healthy lifestyle that you don’t have to pay excessive amounts of money for but teaches you to use the produce around you to create delicious meals and to be frugal with what you have and not waste anything just because you feel it isn’t necessary for you anymore. To let all the undesirables that you get from cooking go into something that can help nourish it and help it grow into something that can later be used to feed others: Creating a continuous cycle of produce that can feed people and animals. It also teaches you that when cooking you don’t have to take hours to make an exceptional meal but that even in thirty minutes you can come out with a edible meal that will have your taste buds dancing.
















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