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These reviews and reflections are taken out from our WESSA school surveys. They suggestons made by Teachers and Learners...
Q: what should be done next to improve environmental management and learning at our school?
-Get all teachers involved.
-Keep it up!
- Have an Energy Assembly
Q: In which area was there little or no improvement?
- In English, same notes are printed are given out every year despite most learners already having them.
- Computers are left on sleep when we leave school.
Comments by learners:
Our Eco policy or code
-We are so lucky to have a code like this
Learners taking part in env managment activities
-Everyone is so enthusiastic about recycling and helping
All teachers involved?
-More teachers should join
Our school electricity consumption
- We made a chart with plastic bottle tops. It's visible to all students.
Do we implement to conserve water?
-push down taps in the bathroom
Are the school ground litter free?
- Unfortunately some girls still litter
Staff & learners have access to quality information about environmental topics?
- We have the library and our 3 computer rooms
Our teachers have a good knowledge of the biodiversity in the nearby natural environment?
- They know everything:)
Our learners have regular, safe opportunities to exercise in the outdoors?
- PE lessons on the school field and courts.
Our school undertakes projects to help the needy in our community?
- Rotary Interact Club at our school
Do school activities promote an appreciation of cultural diversity and natural heriatge?
- We are a diverse school with many cultures and traditions. We have religious groups: MSA (Muslim students' association), CSA(Christian students' association) and HSA(Hindu students' association).
Reflections for forward Planning for 2015
by the Eco Angels
Unfortuntely the exams are upon us and this will only be able to be done after exams on the 24 November 2014
The Enviro Teachers are going to do their reflections asap
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