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What's happening in Eco Club

Hello Ladies.....


Happenings on the Eco Club Front.


·  In the July holidays Mrs Roos and Mishka Karodia attended the Eco School Conference.  They came back full of new ideas and energy.


·  On Saturday 2 August 2014, Mrs Reid & Ms Angappan took 4 students to New West Secondary School and they took part in a Mini United Nations Debate on the Rhino Poaching Issue.  It was an incredible experience for everyone. * See pics


·  This Saturday  16 August we will be taking part in a beach cleanup @ Ushaka. * pics


·  On the 23 August 2014 we will take part in the 'Varsity College Walk' - the Mangroves Educational Centre Fund Raiser.






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Share your thoughts!


Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



Wise up and make a difference NOW!​

​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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