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Grade 8 & 9 Recycling Competiton

Our Resource Use portfolio manager, Mishka Karodia, took it upon herself to establish a freindly recycling competiton amongst the grade 8s in 2013. The outcome/ response was great and in 2014, the grade 9s joined in.


Both grades recycle these 4 items: batteries, plastic, glass and cans. 


Individual class points are allocated which results in end of the term prizes and certificates. This creates competiton between classes which urges them on. Through this program, studenst have learnt to clean their recyclable materials and to separate them into separate bags. It has also gained the attention of the rest of the school which has resulted in more students wanting to  establish an official WGHS reccyling depot which seems not to far in the distant furture....

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Grade 8 Term 3 Results:

CANS:  628

PLASTIC:  2312

GLASS:  577


Grade 9 Term 3 Results:

CANS:  57

PLASTIC:  1261

GLASS:  64






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