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SAIIA MODEL Mini United Nations Debate

Rhino Issue



This was our first ever Model UN Debate. We were very excited to debating as Zambia and China, on the Rhino Issue.


We had to do research and prepare a position paper that we handed in. then we had to present an opening remark which basically informed the other countries of where we stood in the Global Rhino Debate.


We then listened to all the other opening stements and tried to align ourselves with countries we could either obtain something from or we coul work together well in finding a solution to the Rhino Crisis.  We could ask to be aligned or bring a point of order, or send a question to another country as we listened.


We then had an open session where we could move around to the other countries to form alliances in solving the rhino issue and in coming up with a resolution to be put forward to the UN Council as a way forward.


It was an aswesome experience and one that I wuld love to repeat.






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