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This theme deals with a wide variety of Environmental Issues which can be looked at from either a local or a global scale. They are issues that are controversial or have become a problem.


Issues we tackle in this theme are:

Sustainability, pollution, save our oceans, soil rosion. abuse, rape, human trafficking, poverty and outreach, bullying, the girl child, fireworks and the real meaning of Diwali.




























2. Help a Girl Child Stay in School

This project was shelved till 2015

Help a Girl Child stay in School

Washable Sanitary Pads with Panties (Subz Pads)

The research in South Africa, shows that a shocking number of 9 million women do not have access to feminine hygiene wear or female education. There is no means for them to dispose of menstrual fluid. They do not have underwear. They do not go to school when they menstruate. They do not work when they menstruate. They do not play sport when they menstruate. The Aids Virus affects menstruating women. They have no ‘khululeka’ – which means freedom. Let us get involved in our communities and make a difference.

  • The only fully washable sanitary pad available

  • SABS absorbency approved

  • Endorsed by a Gynaecologist and Pharmacist

  • Patented

  • Will last for a minimum of 5 years





3.  Choose to Be Kind - Anti-Bullying Campaign

Project 3

Choose Kind Campaign


Just one act of kindness can make a difference. Join the national movement

and pledge to CHOOSE KIND in 2014

This was just an awareness campaign spearheaded by the Library with Grade 8

students, in response to the popularity of the book entitled Wonder by Robert Palacio

We could definitely expand this project in 2015 to make it more impactful.



Read here to see if you would like to read this book and join the campaign.




4. Rhythms Website


The entire Eco Club spent one afternoon looking at this website and choosing to take some of the challenges that would change us and the way we saw others, global issues etc.

the students were asked to register on this website and take up the challenges offered to them and see who could complete the most challenges.


For example The issue of school uniforms and the sometimes negative attitudes our students have towards them.

Here is an article from someone with a different perspective and and eye opneing opinion because of her life experiences





5.  Diwali Celebrations  





We held a Diwali Assembly where twoof the Eco girls and some other students explained what Diwali was all about they danced some of the decelbratory dances they would be dancing at their family celebrations.


1. Charity Donations

Our school does a lot charity drives and collections throughout the entire year and these are done through Cake Sales,  special drives in an assembly,

special calendar days like slipper day and casual day etc.

As the amounts donated are only tallied at the end of the year in December we submit last 5 years' donations.





​Telephone : ​031-2661258

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We're connected so find us on all the social feeds under WGHS Eco Angels.  Our Twitter hastag is  # ​

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Share your thoughts!


Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



Wise up and make a difference NOW!​

​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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