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Frog Reflections


I think that our school getting involved in such days, like Leap Frog Day, should be more renowned in our communities and seen as important as any other special day celebrated throughout the year.

In my opinion if more people are aware of days like these then maybe people would stop endangering our ecosystems for the benefit of their worldly gains or because of fear of the species and instead see the situation in its entirety and understand that our actions as humans effect everything else that we see as below us. I myself am not very fond of any species of frogs but I am intelligent enough to know that that frog I want to kill is the food source of another animal and by me killing this frog there are many individuals who also kill frogs just because of fear and then the animals that would eat those frogs have a low food source and then they die out and then the animals that eat the animals that eat the frogs also don’t have their food source and it ultimately effects the whole food chain.

Days like Leap Frog Day remind us that frogs do serve a purpose in our ecosystems and they eat all the insects that bother us eg.flies and by killing the frogs in your communities you are then ultimately causing a rise in the food source that those frogs would usually consume when they were alive.



Frog Poetry


During the build up to Leap Day for Frogs, some learners entered frog poetry into a school competition.  A selection of this work was later published in Frog Log Junior, the Amphibian Specialist Group newsletter.









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