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Frog Week Impact

After Frog Week 2015, eco angels designed a short survey to test the impact of our activities.  They went around the school asking different learners to complete the survey.  We were encouraged to see that while we certainly didn't reach everyone, some learners had reconsidered their previous negative attitudes towards frogs.  Prina also posted her reflection on our blog.

What are the different myths or superstitions you've heard about frogs?

Question 1
Question 2

Have your opinions changed since Frog Day? What is your view on frogs now?

Question 3

Are you aware that frogs are going extinct?

Question 4

If you were in eco club, what would you do for frogs?




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Have you seen how fast the polar caps are melting... what will that do to the levels of our seas and oceans? What will the rising water levels do to coastal towns and cities?

Chose to become informed..



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​​​​© 2023 by ECO THUNDER. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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